
I have made it back from cat land with my health and sanity in tack.  I am sure the cats will tell my cousin Inga the same story.

What made it harder was that two of the cats are so sick they don’t move well enough to make it to the litter box.  Midnight has the cat version of AIDS and arthritis so bad he can’t move his hind legs.  He stays on a wee-wee pad on my cousin’s bed.  I am not sure what is wrong with a large female, Mishka, but she just stays on a couch in her own room.  The couch is covered by two wee-wee pads.

Besides changing the wee-wee pads twice a day there are also three litter boxes the other four cats use.  I did remember to bring rubber gloves with me this time.

Inga lost her mother, father and husband all in the last 10 years and these cats are now her family.  She had a very close knit family and has never lived alone.  Inga told me she couldn’t stand coming home to an “empty” house and loves her cats very much, even if they are a lot of work and cost a lot of money.  She probably spends more money on her cats then on her self.

I on the other hand I am very happy to get back to my cat free condo.
